
Welcome to Fashion Junkey. A blog about my personal & kids style, thrift finds, and things I love. I’m a wife, mother, photographer and event planner that has a love for fashion.

*I am PR friendly & please contact me

Genae Banks

Atlanta, GA


I now have a Esty store called Fashions Junkey’s Closet, how exciting!

Fashions Junkey’s Closet is a store with my  personal & kids style, thrift finds, and things I love. I’m a wife, mother, photographer and event planner that has a love for fashion.

Have you ever had a friend or knew someone who was great at thrift finds but you can never find anything or don’t have the patience to look through all the racks? I have just answered your prayers, while I shop for myself I also shop for you! Most my items range $10.00 to $20.00.

Please take a look at my store and tell me what you think, heck and shop around too!

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