Month: April 2013

DIY Makeup Mist Setting Spray

I absolutely love using setting spray after applying my makeup, its works great for my oily skinny. I usually buy the brand by e.l.f., its $3.00 at Target. The price is great but the bottle is on the small size it 2.02 oz., which doesn’t last long if you’re like me. Sometimes I have to attend different events many times during the week and need to redo my makeup.


So this is when I decided I needed to make my own setting spray so I can get more for my money and not have to worry about running out all the time.

What you will need:

Sterile spray bottle (the bottle needs to be able to spray in a mist setting)

Filtered water

Aloe Vera juice or glycerin

Witch Hazel

You want to add two parts water, one part aloe Vera or glycerin, and one part Witch Hazel. Shake up all ingredients well in the bottle (make sure you shake well before every use).

After applying your makeup, spray your mixture on your face.

I bought all my products from Walmart

Dickinson’s Original Witch Hazel Pore Perfecting Toner, 16 fl oz


Fruit Of The Earth Aloe Vera Juice, 32 oz



Yesterday I had a kick ball game at 4:20 pm I put my spray on at 2:00 pm and heres my makeup right before the game at 4:00 pm.

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Heres my makeup after the game at 8:30 pm celebrating our victory.


Not to bad after 6 hours and playing in the sun for a hour.

This is day 22 of The Ultimate Blog Challenge

10 Days Till I Run My 1st Half Marathon!

I have exactly 11 days till I run my first half marathon, the Diva Half Marathon in Myrtle Beach. I finished my last practice run on Monday, I planned to run 11 but decided what the heck run the whole 13.1 and get it over with.

My pace was 13:57 in 3 hours 02 minutes, and 1456 calories. This was the longest and hardest run for me. Mile 9 my legs started giving out and 11, 12, and 13 were torture! My last mile I got a cramp in my foot but ill be dam if I stop when I have a mile to go so I skipped, hopped, walked and crawled till I finished 13.1 miles. I’m hoping to cut my time down by 30 mins on race day.

After my practice run I went and bought two bags of ice, for a ice bath,  benefits of a ice bath:

  • Prevents injury.
  • Speeds recovery. According to one report, it is believed to decrease the amount of time needed by the muscles of athletes to return to top condition between training sessions.
  • Keeps muscles limber. One account suggested it would reduce muscle soreness after heavy exertion, such as after snow shoveling.
  • Repairs muscles.
  • Reduces inflammation. But one account disputes there is any benefit in fighting inflammation.
  • Feels good afterwards.
  • Less muscle soreness.
  • Less muscle pain.
  • Less muscle stiffness.


Can you say COLD!

The next day my body felt great, I definitely wasn’t sore like I usually would be, but I did notice that the  pain in my foot was still bothering me. I found myself limping every where I went and any pressure on my foot hurt. After some research I learned the reason my foot hurt was due to the minimal shoes I run in, Brooks Pure Connects. Don’t get me wrong they are a great shoe, but they can’t handle long distant runs. OK so my foot is killing me and I have a Diva to run in a week! I headed over to my local family Dr. and he gave me a Cortisone (steroid) shot in the bum and some Naproxen for the pain. All I can say is wow, I felt almost nothing! So now I am trying to take it easy for the rest of the week but go to kickball practice.

I ordered a new pair of shoes, the Brooks Pure Flow, I am hoping they come in time so I can break them in..


Wish me luck!

My Mommy Wear

So I’m not your typical mommy, I’m not that mommy that wears yoga & sweat pants just because I am a mom and they are comfortable. You can still be comfortable and  be a rock star mom!


So here’s one of my mommy on the go outfits (excuse the images my 5-year-old took them for me) LOL.

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Gap Black Ruffle Dress: Goodwill $5.95

Black Sparkle Canvas Sneakers: Marshalls $19.99

This mom is comfortable and cute on a dime $27.00 for the outfit

This is day 18 of the ultimate blog challenge

Spring is here!

I finally was able to throw something on for the spring! The weather here in Georgia has been so weird, one day its raining, freezing, and some days just plain ugly. When I checked the weather today and stepped out side I knew I could finally put on a dress. I love clothes but I am all about catching a deal so I  try to shop off-season. This skater stripe dress I found at ASOS for $10.00 clearance, nice right! When I first bought it I weighed more and It wasn’t to flattering on me so I shoved it to the back of the closet. Today I decided to give it another try since I am 23 lbs down, it fits perfect!

I love converse and collect the colors, they are great for spring & summer. So I decided my blue converse would be perfect for my stripe dress. I think it came together great dont you  just love the color combo, what do you think?

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Converse: Marshalls $24.99

Dress: ASOS $10.00

Necklace: Ebay  $5.99

Sealed With a Kiss Photography

I am still working hard but I wanted to share a engagement session I did this weekend with Erick & Tierra. Tierra picked the cutest outfits for her engagement pictures, she chose a  peplum dress & a peplum top with white skinny jeans for two different locations. Tierra and her fiance did a great job of coordinating their outfits. Congrats to the couple and as you can see the bride to be worked the camera. 🙂



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