Tag: online thrifting

My Thrift Finds

So I stumbled upon an online Goodwill, who would have thought I can shop from home at the Goodwill! This site is awesome you can type in what you are looking for or just look by category, its called Shopgoodwill.com. The site is kind of like EBAY some things you have to bet on and other items you can buy it now.

I love pocket books (purses), lucky me I ended up winning 4 pocket books! They were selling these two as a pair for $9.99. I looked up the red and white ones and they go for $80.00 a pop, not bad I got them for $5.00 each.

According to the listing these brown ones are vintage, who doesn’t love a vintage piece. These were also a pair for $9.99, which comes out to $5.00 each.

The only thing I did not like is you don’t know how much shipping will be until you pay. I ended up paying $40.00 total for all four bags including shipping which isn’t to bad. It just takes away from the great deal you get when you see the shipping, LOL. I would for sure buy from the site again they have some awesome items and big name brands like, Gucci, and Coach.

Do you know any online thrift sites you would love to share, I would love to hear from you!